Personal Finance

How Much Savings Can You Have To Qualify For ESA?

In a rush? Here’s the TL;DR… ESA income-based payout amounts are not affected if you or your partner have less than £6,000 in savings. If you have more than £16,000 in savings, you are not entitled to ESA benefits. If you have between £6,000-£16,000 in savings you receive a monthly income that is reduced by £4.35 for each £250 saved up. Savings do not affect “new style”…
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Personal Finance

The Fastest Growing Sectors/Industries in the UK (2021)

In the business world, things are always changing. Industries can pop up in a short amount of time and entire industries can be rendered more or less obsolete in equally short periods of time. That is why when looking for a job, it is important to choose industries that…
Personal Finance

Is Automation Good or Bad for the UK’s Economy?

One concept that has been at the forefront of political thought nowadays is automation. Several more left-leaning UK politicians, such as Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, have claimed that automation is a threat to workers as it may drive huge swathes of workers to unemployment, while other more conservative-minded groups hold that automation will actually be beneficial as it will increase economic…
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Personal Finance

Could a Universal Basic Income (UBI) Work In The UK?

The idea of a basic income in the UK is not exactly new. UK MPs have been discussing the possibility of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for much of the 20th and 21st centuries. What Is Universal Basic Income (UBI)? The idea behind a UBI is to provide every citizen with…
Personal Finance

How the Gig Economy Is Changing the UK Workforce

The rise of the gig economy in the past 10 years has dramatically changed the landscape of the workforce. Increased globalization and the accompanying technological changes have created a new class of workers that are distinguished as being highly mobile, flexible, and agile enough to match consumer’s ever-changing preferences. In short, a gig economyis a labor market that is…
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Personal Finance

Representative Money: Advantages and Disadvantages

In economics, people normally distinguish between 3 different types of money: Fiat moneyCommodity moneyRepresentative money. Before exploring representative money in-depth, let’s first go through a few brief definitions of each to understand the distinction…
Personal Finance

Commodity Backed Money vs Fiat Money

If you have spent any time around financial circles, odds are you have heard the two terms commodity money and fiat money. While both are types of money, commodity money and fiat money are differentiated based on what they represent and what grounds their…