
5 Steps to Understanding the Stock Market

In today’s high tech connected world, it’s now easier than ever to invest. The digital revolution of the past 20 years allows the intrepid individual to take risks in the stock market with the potential for a big payout. The point of this guide is to give some basic knowledge and tips to newbie investors without all the technical Wall Street jargon that makes the stock market seem…
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How To Get Started With Investing - A 2024 Guide

How does investing differ from saving? You’ve probably been told many times that to get rich or make your money work harder, you’ve got to invest. But what does that really mean? And how does it differ from regular saving? While setting money aside in a…

Impact Investing: Socially Responsible Investing In 2024 & Beyond

What is Impact Investing? The main idea of impact investing can be described in one phrase: “socially responsible investing”. The goal of impact investing is to reduce the negative social effects of corporate activity by promoting businesses that benefit their communities and utilize clean technologies. Impact investing is a way to mitigate and discourage…
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5 Passive Income Ideas That Still Work In 2024

So you have a job but want a way to earn some extra dosh on the side? While many are crushing it, making extra money via the gig economy (ala Uber, Upwork, Fiverr etc), none of these are in any way, shape or form — passive income. The reality is — not…

Millennial Finance is Multi-Dimensional: Here’s Why

Hipsters, Whipsters & neo-mainstreamers. Let’s talk money. I’ll do my best to refrain from dwelling on the cards we have been dealt as Millennials. To all intent and purposes, I am probably a mainstreamer. Sure, the occasional lurch to the left as a whipster, I’m often back in line one day later. Just like every ‘generation’ we like to work hard to work out how we have been…
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What Is a Good P/E Ratio? (+Calculator & Guide)

If you’ve ever spent any time around career investors, or even those who are relatively new to the investing game, you’ve probably heard the phrase “P-to-E ratio” or “price-to-earnings ratio” thrown around with some level of excitement. But if you’re…

Is Buying a House A Good Investment in 2024(UK)?

Owning a home is one of the most common goals for all Brits. After all, it’s the British dream right? And not just that—it’s also a great financial investment…right? Well, it’s complicated. While there are plenty of perfectly logical and admirable reasons for…

Derivatives Explained Simply

In the span of years following the financial crisis that blew up economies worldwide in 2008, you couldn’t turn on the TV or look at a newspaper without encountering this seemingly new, misunderstood, and ‘apparently’ fundamentally evil concept: financial derivatives. Indeed, if you were paying attention in those dark days when the worst economic meltdown since the Great…
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