
What Is SIPP? (An Ultimate Guide To SIPP UK)

TL;DR: A Self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a tax-advantaged retirement account in the UK. SIPPs give individuals the freedom to invest in a wide range of securities and not just those approved by the company. You must be 55+ years old to withdraw from your SIPP. One of the major goals most people have in their working career is to save enough money for retirement. After working for…
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4 Things to Look Out for When Buying A House Or Property

We understand that the property market for young people is abysmal According to Statista, the average price of a house in the UK as of July 2019 was £232,000, up almost 100% from the average price of £157,000 in 2009. Considering that the median annual disposable income for the average household in the UK is just over £1,000, that means it would take the average Brit nearly 20 years to save…
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How Much Should You Spend On Rent And Utilities In The UK?

Traditional wisdom states that basic housing expenses like rent and utilities should cost no more than 35% of your annual monthly income. We know this is hard to do in today’s economy and housing market, so we recommend a more relaxed percentage of 45%. Quite often the best place to start is by really understanding how much is going out. So, before you work out how much you should be spending on…
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Why Millennials Aren’t Buying Homes Anymore

If one thing is obvious about today’s economy, young people are not buying houses as much as previous generations. According to Business Insider, only a third (31%) of UK millennials own any property at all, behind the global average of 40%. Further, only 74% of UK…

Momentum Investing Strategies: What Do They Look Like?

In some ways, rising stock prices are kind of a bad thing for investors. Rising stock prices means that a commodity is hot, which means more and more people will start to jump on the trend, eventually causing the securities to become overvalued. After all, if everyone knew the secret to making it big in investing, then the strategy could not work for everyone. Momentum investing, as the…
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