InvestingRobo Advisers

How Do Robo Advisers Make Money? (And Should You Use One?)

It’s happened to most of us. Your neighbour or coworker just told you about an app that helps you generate passive income. All you have to do is invest, and slowly you will watch your savings grow without doing anything or speaking with anyone. Tempting, right? Of course, with a healthy bit of scepticism, many of us wonder, “Well, what’s in it for them?”, or “How do robo advisers…
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Real Estate Investing in Your 20s (7 Essential Tips)

For many people, the idea of investing in real estate in your 20s sounds absurd. After all, most people in their 20s are just starting out and may not have large amounts of money needed to invest in properties. In fact, the majority of those in their 20s are focused on…

What Is SIPP? (An Ultimate Guide To SIPP UK)

TL;DR: A Self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is a tax-advantaged retirement account in the UK. SIPPs give individuals the freedom to invest in a wide range of securities and not just those approved by the company. You must be 55+ years old to withdraw from your SIPP.

How Much of Your Income Should You Spend on a Mortgage in the UK?

TL;DR: You should try to spend no more than 35% of your gross (pre-tax) income on your mortgage. A more conservative recommendation is no more than 25% of your gross income. If you are currently in the market for a house you will first need to figure out exactly how much you can afford. There are a lot of costs that go into buying a house and even a scrupulous planner can get overwhelmed…
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Pound-Cost Averaging: Best Passive Investment Strategy?

What Is Pound-Cost Averaging (PCA)? Pound-cost averaging is an investment method that decreases the overall volatility on purchasing equities and securities by spacing out investments over equal periods of time. Pound-cost averaging is a smart investment strategy for risk-averse investors who have long-term investment goals. Across the pond, they call it dollar-cost averaging, for, well…
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How Much of Your Income Should You Spend On A Car In The UK?

TL:DR: You should try to never spend more than 20%of your annual income on car costs. We recommend keeping it lower at 10%-15%. Your choice of car has a huge effect on both personal freedom and your finances. For many people, a car is the second most expensive item in their budget, second to housing expenses. But, buying a car is essentially a necessity in some parts of the…
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