
What Credit Score Is Needed to Buy a House (UK)?

When you apply for a mortgage loan, lenders will look at your credit history. In order to be accepted, you need to show mortgage brokers that you have a history of paying off debt and can make your mortgage payments in a timely and reliable manner. Mortgage lenders look at all kinds of factors to determine if you are eligible for a loan and what the terms of that loan will be. When…
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How Do Mortgages Work In The UK?

So you are thinking about buying a home; good for you! If you are a first-time buyer in the UK, you probably do not have the cash to buy a house outright. Instead, you will probably take out a mortgage to pay the bills. If you are thinking about taking out a mortgage…

Buying vs Leasing a Car (UK): Who Wins?

Leasing a car has become a popular option in recent years in the UK. In 2019, the car leasing market grew by nearly 13% and leasing is starting to have an edge on buying. So if you are thinking of getting a car, you have probably considered leasing one or buying…
InvestingPersonal FinanceStrategies

7 Types Of Investments (And Their Risks)

Investors have a lot of options for where to put their money. It is important to weigh these options carefully and fully understand the financial risk. Not all types of investment vehicles have the same reward and not all have the same levels of risk in investments. In general, there are 4 different types of investments, stocks, bonds, funds, and cash equivalents. Within these categories…
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Is 2021 A Good Time to Remortgage? (UK)

If one thing is clear, the past couple years will go down in the history books as a year of significance. With unexpected situations comes financial uncertainty. But, despite this economic uncertainty, it still might be a good idea to remortgage your home in the UK. The…

10 Ways To Make Passive Income In Your 20s (UK)

Nothing worse than the daily grind, right? Even those who love what they do for a living can be bogged down by having to clock in day after day. For those dreaming of a better way to make money (or simply want a little more of it on the side), there is passive…
ReviewsRobo AdvisersRobo Advisers

Robinhood UK (Review, What To Expect, Delays!?)

In late 2019, robo investing app Robinhood announced that it would soon become available to UK customers. In 2020, the world was flipped upside down with a global health pandemic. To the dismay of many, the tech company recently announced that it would be delaying Robinhood’s UK launch indefinitely. As early access to the online investing platform is being removed from Robinhood’s…
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Real Estate Investing in Your 20s (7 Essential Tips)

For many people, the idea of investing in real estate in your 20s sounds absurd. After all, most people in their 20s are just starting out and may not have large amounts of money needed to invest in properties. In fact, the majority of those in their 20s are focused on finding a solid job and finding immediate security. However, investing in real estate in your 20s is perfectly feasible and…
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