
How Does Inflation Work?

Most people know that economic inflation has at least something to do with the rising costs of goods and services within an economy. But what causes inflation? And how does it work? In this article, we’ll provide a crash course on inflation. It’s not exactly “inflation for dummies”—you’re too smart for that! But we will go over the basics of inflation, how it works, its effects on…
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What Does Warren Buffett Look For In A Company?

What Does Warren Buffett’s Investment Strategy Look Like? A student and employee of Benjamin Graham, Buffett is the brain-child of the original value investor. But what exactly is value investing? The simple answer is value investors look for shares or companies that…

11 Overlooked Expenses When Buying A Home (UK)

When purchasing a home, you expect to spend some money on the process. But are you really prepared for all of the additional expenses that might come with purchasing a home? In this article, we cover 11 expenses you need to factor in when buying a house in the UK. Also…

Value Investing VS. Growth Investing

For hundreds of years, companies have been issuing stocks and bonds, while investors looking to make their money work for them have been buying these securities. Today, trillions of dollars are circulating through stock markets around the world, as people continue to invest money in stocks, in the hope that companies they’ve invested in will flourish, thrive, and yield investors a…
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Deep Value Investing: Explained

A Brief History Of Deep Value Investing Deep value investing was first introduced by Benjamin Graham, the British economist who authored Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor, and was a teacher and employer of one of the wealthiest and most famed investors in…

What Made Warren Buffett A Billionaire? The Oracle's Success Story

The Oracle Of Omaha When you think of Buffett you think of Berkshire Hathaway. And when you think of Berkshire Hathaway, you think of Warren Buffett. Well, at least now you do. When Buffett entered Berkshire in 1962, few could have predicted he would turn it into the conglomerate it is today. Warren Buffett’s Beginnings After reading ‘How to win friends and influence…
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Comparing Index Funds Vs Mutual Funds

Breaking Down Index & Mutual Funds With an overwhelming amount of information floating around the Internet and thousands of brokerage firms offering to invest your money, it can be difficult to understand all the different types of funds. We’re here to help you…

9 Alternative Investment Opportunities You're Overlooking (UK)

When it comes to investing, most people probably think of the basics: shares, bonds, ETFs, and the like. But there are a lot of different asset classes and investment opportunities in the UK, not all of them very common. Alternative investment opportunities can be a good idea becausethey provide exposure to sectors you normally would not be exposed to. Alternative investments can…
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