Personal Finance

How Does Student Finance Work? (UK Guide)

As a college degree becomes ever more important in the job market, more and more young people (and old!) are thinking about going to university. Nearly 50% of the UK’s population has some kind of university degree and that number only keeps on growing. For many, college is something that they cannot afford right out of the gate. Luckily for UK students, the government, and other…
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Personal Finance

Strategies to Consolidate Debt with Very Bad Credit (UK)

Debt consolidation is the process of combining debt from multiple sources such as credit cards, loans, utilities, and other bills into a single monthly payment. A debt consolidation loan can help you manage money and pay off your debt by giving you a lower monthly interest…
Personal Finance

Millennial Saving Habits & Trends 2020 (What The Stats Say)

There is a whole wide world out there for things to spend your money on. Millennials may know this more than anyone. Although it can be used as more of a buzzword than a defined group of people, the truth is, the word “millennial” is often synonymous with being “irresponsible”. What may surprise you, however, is that millennials do manage to save some of their money from time to to…
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Personal Finance

How Much Savings Can You Have To Qualify For ESA?

In a rush? Here’s the TL;DR… ESA income-based payout amounts are not affected if you or your partner have less than £6,000 in savings. If you have more than £16,000 in savings, you are not entitled to ESA benefits. If you have between £6,000-£16,000 in…
Personal FinanceProperty

How Has Airbnb Affected the UK’s Housing Market?

What Is AirBnB? Unless you have been living under a rock you have probably heard of Airbnb. Founded in 2007, Airbnb has exploded into a multi-billion dollar business and operates in over 190 countries across the world. After all, the idea of being able to rent a cozy home-like abode for less than the price of a soulless hotel room is a nice one and explains why Airbnb has become especially…
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Personal Finance

4 Day Work Week UK: Can It Realistically Work?

Where Did The 5-Day Workweek Come From? In the UK, the 40-hour/5 day work week originated in labor movements during the Industrial Revolution. Back during the 1800s, workers regularly worked 12-16 hour shifts 6 days a week. The first-ever mention of an 8-hour workday…
Personal Finance

The Fastest Growing Sectors/Industries in the UK (2021)

In the business world, things are always changing. Industries can pop up in a short amount of time and entire industries can be rendered more or less obsolete in equally short periods of time. That is why when looking for a job, it is important to choose industries that…
Personal Finance

Is Automation Good or Bad for the UK’s Economy?

One concept that has been at the forefront of political thought nowadays is automation. Several more left-leaning UK politicians, such as Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, have claimed that automation is a threat to workers as it may drive huge swathes of workers to unemployment, while other more conservative-minded groups hold that automation will actually be beneficial as it will increase economic…
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