
What Is a Good P/E Ratio? (+Calculator & Guide)

If you’ve ever spent any time around career investors, or even those who are relatively new to the investing game, you’ve probably heard the phrase “P-to-E ratio” or “price-to-earnings ratio” thrown around with some level of excitement. But if you’re unfamiliar with all the complicated jargon that is so common among investors and financial experts, this phrase is probably pretty…
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Derivatives Explained Simply

In the span of years following the financial crisis that blew up economies worldwide in 2008, you couldn’t turn on the TV or look at a newspaper without encountering this seemingly new, misunderstood, and ‘apparently’ fundamentally evil concept: financial…

How Does Inflation Work?

Most people know that economic inflation has at least something to do with the rising costs of goods and services within an economy. But what causes inflation? And how does it work? In this article, we’ll provide a crash course on inflation. It’s not exactly…

What Does Warren Buffett Look For In A Company?

What Does Warren Buffett’s Investment Strategy Look Like? A student and employee of Benjamin Graham, Buffett is the brain-child of the original value investor. But what exactly is value investing? The simple answer is value investors look for shares or companies that are value below their intrinsic value. This is where things get slightly lost and people go their own way, including…
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Value Investing VS. Growth Investing

For hundreds of years, companies have been issuing stocks and bonds, while investors looking to make their money work for them have been buying these securities. Today, trillions of dollars are circulating through stock markets around the world, as people continue to…

Deep Value Investing: Explained

A Brief History Of Deep Value Investing Deep value investing was first introduced by Benjamin Graham, the British economist who authored Security Analysis and The Intelligent Investor, and was a teacher and employer of one of the wealthiest and most famed investors in history, Warren Buffett. Graham put aside the idea that a company had to have the best business model or the strongest…
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How To Retire Early In The UK: 9 Essential Tips

When Do You Want To Retire? In the modern industrialised world, retirement is normally seen as the ideal end goal a working person should strive for. After 40+ years of working, people want to spend their twilight years enjoying the fruits of their labour. In the…
Crypto ExchangesPersonal Finance

Best Crypto Exchanges In The UK for 2024

Best Crypto Exchanges In The UK (March 2024) ‘Crypto’ or Cryptocurrency investing has been on the rise for a while now, and it seems to be here to stay. Investors are finding the best routes to start their crypto portfolio, and discovering the pros and cons of each crypto exchange in the UK. Getting online and randomly choosing an exchange can be tempting. But, there is a…
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