
4 Culture Moments that Rocked the Stock Market

1. Love Island sets ITV Stocks fluttering 4.8% What is carrying the hopes of investors with UK broadcaster ITV…? Nope, not the sharp new strategy of CEO Carolyn McCall but the half-naked, sun-soaked romance of the Mallorcan-based reality TV show, Love Island, that sent the ITV shares up 4.8% after a record-breaking opening night. 2. Frozen heats up Disney stock over…
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Millennial Finance is Multi-Dimensional: Here’s Why

Hipsters, Whipsters & neo-mainstreamers. Let’s talk money. I’ll do my best to refrain from dwelling on the cards we have been dealt as Millennials. To all intent and purposes, I am probably a mainstreamer. Sure, the occasional lurch to the left as a whipster, I’m often back in line one day later. Just like every ‘generation’ we like to work hard to work out how we have been…
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What Is a Good P/E Ratio? (+Calculator & Guide)

If you’ve ever spent any time around career investors, or even those who are relatively new to the investing game, you’ve probably heard the phrase “P-to-E ratio” or “price-to-earnings ratio” thrown around with some level of excitement. But if you’re…

Derivatives Explained Simply

In the span of years following the financial crisis that blew up economies worldwide in 2008, you couldn’t turn on the TV or look at a newspaper without encountering this seemingly new, misunderstood, and ‘apparently’ fundamentally evil concept: financial…

How Does Inflation Work?

Most people know that economic inflation has at least something to do with the rising costs of goods and services within an economy. But what causes inflation? And how does it work? In this article, we’ll provide a crash course on inflation. It’s not exactly “inflation for dummies”—you’re too smart for that! But we will go over the basics of inflation, how it works, its effects on…
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What Does Warren Buffett Look For In A Company?

What Does Warren Buffett’s Investment Strategy Look Like? A student and employee of Benjamin Graham, Buffett is the brain-child of the original value investor. But what exactly is value investing? The simple answer is value investors look for shares or companies that…

Value Investing VS. Growth Investing

For hundreds of years, companies have been issuing stocks and bonds, while investors looking to make their money work for them have been buying these securities. Today, trillions of dollars are circulating through stock markets around the world, as people continue to invest money in stocks, in the hope that companies they’ve invested in will flourish, thrive, and yield investors a…
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