
11 Expenses To Always Include In Your Budget in 2024 (UK)

Creating a budget can be a bit challenging but budgeting monthly expenses and creating a savings plan will help you be prepared for financial hurdles along the way. Lucky for you, there are many great UK budgeting tools out there. The key is to compare your monthly income to your monthly expenses and then sort through those to create a detailed plan for both spending and saving. Let’s…
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What Is An ISA? (And Which Should You Pick?) in 2024

In this article, we address: What types of ISA are there? How many ISAs can you have? How do you open an ISA? Can you transfer an ISA? Is your ISA flexible? Should I put my money in a high-interest savings account or an ISA? What Is An ISA? ‘ISA’ stands for Individual Savings Account. It’s a type of account where any interest or gains earned on the money placed in…
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How To Retire Early In The UK: 9 Essential Tips

When Do You Want To Retire? In the modern industrialised world, retirement is normally seen as the ideal end goal a working person should strive for. After 40+ years of working, people want to spend their twilight years enjoying the fruits of their labour. In the…

Joint Bank Accounts: Everything You Need To Know

The world of banking can be a maze of confusing jargon, and understanding the various types of accounts and their respective purposes, fees, and benefits can be more than a little difficult. With hundreds of different banks in the UK, each with different bank account…

What Is Open Banking, Does It Matter and is it Safe?

What is Open Banking? Open banking, in a nutshell, is a series of laws and regulations that requires the UK’s 9 biggest banks to publicly release all of their financial and transactional data in a standardized format. The Competition Markets Authority(CMA) has driven these changes to fit alongside the same new European regulation called the ‘Payment services Directive 2 (PSD2)’. The…
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